The time of sacramental preparation is a time when family, school and parish all really work together. Information meetings take place involving the parents, teachers and the Parish Priest.  Parents are asked to take children to mass and show a living example of faith.  Children are asked to do activities at home with their families and to complete their workbook tasks in class and for homework.  Teachers catechise and educate the children about the  meaning of the sacrament and help deepen their understanding.  Parish members prepare the church for the special event and also support children through prayers. 

In St Machan's Primary School the children receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation in Primary 3 and the Sacrament of  First Holy Communion in Primary 4.  Children are now confirmed in P7.  The dates for Reconciliation and First Holy Communion this year are as follows -


  • P3 Sacrament of Reconciliation 14th March 2023 6pm in St Machan's Church

  • P4 Sacrament of First Holy Communion 20th May 2023 11am in St Machan's Church

  • P7 Sacrament of Confirmation 22nd April 2023 11am in St Machan's Church