Glow is the national schools’ intranet, digitally linking Scotland's 800,000 educators and pupils.  

GLOW was launched initially in East Dunbartonshire on 29th February 2008. As you may be aware the previous GLOW portal was removed in October 2014 and has now been upgraded to GLOW 365 which provides additional functionality including storage up to 1TB on the One Drive and access to Microsoft Office products online for home use. 

All pupils at St Machans Primary School have been issued with a GLOW username and password to enable them to access GLOW not only in school but also at home. 

In order for your child to access East Dunbartonshire’s Primary Network (and the Internet and Email facilities available in school) you have already signed an agreement with the Council. Please note the following points: 

The terms of that agreement apply also to the use of GLOW both within school and also at home. If you are unsure about these terms, please click on the following link:  

HEALTH & SAFETY. When choosing to access GLOW from out with school buildings, users are advised that they are responsible for ensuring that their work station arrangements are adequate as these are out with the Council’s control! For more details of the recommended standards, please click on the following link:  


  • The username cannot be changed 
  • The password can be changed 
  • If your child needs to change his/her password again at home please read the following advice carefully. Your child should think about their password carefully and choose 8 characters that they will not forget. The password must be: 
    • A minimum of 8 characters 
    • Contain at least one lowercase character 
    • Contain at least one non-alphanumeric character e.g.? % $ £ but using the space bar is  recommended as the easiest way for a primary age pupil to create a non-alphanumeric character 
  • Finally, to log onto GLOW please use the following website address: 

For more general information about GLOW please follow this link:  

View our documents below: